Sunday 17 April 2011


I've taken the plunge and signed up - I've got the first clue but must be short of two or three by now. Has anybody still got them and if so would you mind sending me a copy?

I've just realised that it is sock weight that I need, not lace weight. And I just happen to have a lovely bright red with gold sparkles that threw itself at me from Posh Yarns. Sounds perfect for this I think. :)


  1. We only just got clue 2 on friday and Alice did have a few problems sending it out. Did you sign up via ravelry - if so when you go to your library and click on PDF's the pattern stored in there should say there is an update available if you click on that then you should be all set. Clue 2 starts on page 12 and says clue 2 along the side - it is only 3 pages long. BTW what is your Ravelry name as we aren't connected on there - mine is Sarah35.

    Red with gold sparkles sounds fab can't wait to see what it knits up like. It might be an idea to swatch as both Allison and I needed to change to 4mm needles - just a thought!

    Any help needed anybody then just shout out. Sx

  2. FallenMadonna is my Ravelry name. I will probably start with the 4mm needles based on your experiences. Now where's the time?

  3. I havn't started yet(don't know what a "provisional cast on" is-will have to google it).I think this may be too much of a challenge for me.I must finish my crochet squares for this mon th before I even attempt it.
    Keep me posted on how it is going!

  4. Provisional Cast On was my downfall too but on one of the forum posts there was a YouTube video and it was brilliant. Believe me if you can finish Tilia, this will be a piece of cake!

    Glad you're all joining in - live to be a trendsetter ;) Can't wait to see the red sparkly one!
