Saturday, 20 August 2011

Healthy Environment

I'm working on my last assignment for my Design Thinking course and I have to design a service or a product based on healthy environment. This can be locally or globally.

With that in mind, what do you think constitutes a healthy environment?

One of the ideas I am working on is GPS jewelry for vulnerable people, that can send an alert if they are in danger - I was thinking women, teenagers, children, people working in dangerous countries such as Aid Workers and Soldiers.

Please let me know what you think about this subject.

Many thanks for your help


  1. It sounds like a great could also be useful to people with chronic diseases such as diabetes ,asthma,epilepsy etc.Good luck with the project.

  2. I have been thinking about this one and you seem to have it about right I think. I love the idea of GPS jewelry and if you add in the comments above you should have a fantastic project. Well done. Sx
