I have taken out three items and replaced them with three more items from my ever encroaching stash. (Do stashes become sentient as they grow I wonder? Mine always seems to know how to trip the old man up on one of his, you've got too much yarn grumbling days) And I am hoping, all being well and everything crossed, to get it into the post tomorrow morning. Here are my choices .....
At some point tomorrow we've got to go target the ducks and swans again as the bread rolls are getting stale. It's only a matter of time before Alex throws himself into the canal as well as his handful of bread. His favourite trick at the moment is attempting to score direct hits on the seagulls and he is scarily accurate at it. (With bread crumbs I hasten to add)
GREAT NEWS .............. the district nurse has finally signed me off - five months after the abcess that necessitated their regular daily visits to clean it, squeeze it, swab it, swear at it and stick all manner of different dressings over it in the vain attempt to avoid the skin around it being ripped off twice a day. It's all better now except for a small crater which not even I will notice. (That's probably because I haven't been able to see that area for at least 25 years)
I'm off to buy a new swimming cossie
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